Princess & Pumpkin Yard Party

speech therapy occupational therapy augusta gaThis party was a lot of work in the making. But, boy, did we make it happen! I’ll let them speak for themselves, but judging by all the smiles, our patients, families, and community had a blast. And of course, that made all the hard work totally worth it!

A little backstory: This event came to be when a senior at Evans High School was interested in partnering with Therapy Trails to do her senior project. As a part-time “princess” with an interest in music therapy, Annabelle, AKA Rapunzel, helped pull off this incredible event. She brought the heroes, while we brought the guests. And it was an awesome combination.

Just like any good pumpkin party, a ton of candy that was given away. And not to brag, but it was the GOOD candy too… I’m talking Reese Pumpkins, Fruit Snacks, and Snickers (NOW do you wish you were there??)

The staff at Therapy Trails teamed up to bring storybook themed booths to complement our guests of honor. Our staff took the task and ran with it! As a result, there were booths where kids could walk the plank, feel pumpkin guts, go fishing, and knock down buildings. I guess to just had to be there to really get the full picture. So here are some pictures to recap the event and make sure you feel as fully invested as we did!